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About Us

Children are an important demographic within the Kingdom of God, who play a current and future role within our Faith families, communities and nations. We visualize children as a plantation or seedbed, where God gives us the opportunity to cultivate their moral and spiritual character, transforming them into agents of change. 

Art Class

Christian Living

for Kids (Ages 4-12)

Fridays @ 7:30pm

Acknowledging the importance of children within the kingdom of God, we offer biblical and spiritual truths for the moral, spiritual, and physical development of each child.

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Kid's Club 
Fridays @ 7:30pm

Love Sewers is a children’s program, where a group of passionate teachers and volunteers sow a seed of love and of Christian values in the hearts of the children of our community, nurturing them into a precious garden.

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Salitre for Kids

Coming Soon!

Check out when's our next gathering!

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